Thursday, July 17, 2008

Does the Pooping Ever End?????????

That is my question of the day! And the answer to that is, "for 2 year old little boys, NO!" This morning, I was just sitting in my room reading the last few pages of a book that I was too tired to finish last night when I hear the yelling voice of my favorite little boy, "Mommy, I pooped!" Of course I'm on the next to the last page, but I really did not want to put my book down! If was only 2 pages right, he should be fine, for what, 2 minutes. I yelled back, "just a minute, mommy's coming!" I quickly finish the last 2 pages, hop up & head to find Aaron. I can smell him before I even get to the door of the playroom, that's never a good sign! I step into the room, and Aaron has shed 100% of his clothing. He does the often during the day, the boy loves to run around in the buff. This is normally fine, but not when you have a diaper-no not a diaper- a pull-up full of poop! AND, if you are a mom you know what this means! It means, a diaper you take off by undoing the velcro & it simply falls off, a pull-up on the other hand has to be slid off like underwear. So, are you getting a picture in your mind of what I see walking through the door? Yep, poop smeared down both sides of his legs, but this isn't the worst part of it. Apparently he took his pull-up off first (before his shirt) because there was also a big smear up his back into his hair! Yum! Oh, but there's more! You wouldn't be a little boy if you didn't play in it a little, right? Amazingly, none was on the carpet, but he had proceeded in drawing rambo lines under his eyes! All I can say is, thank the Lord for bathtubs! So, I took my little poop smeared (literally from head to toe) linebacker & plopped him in the bathtub. The worst part was, (or maybe the best, who knows) was Aaron actually smiled the whole time, like he had planned this out from the beginning! He probably did, knowing him! I guess I will not neglect my little pooper again for the last 2 pages of a book! Who knew he could accomplish that much in 2 minutes. 2 Minutes!!!!!


Laura said...

too funny! no pics?

Amy said...

I thought about it later! But I was too worried about the little hands covered in poop trying to touch everything!!!

Anonymous said...

Yuk! Jim and I are sitting on the couch cracking up...only because we undestand.

Amy said...

Yes Lori, I've heard it comes with the territory raising boys, so I'm sure you understand! Micah's going to be doing that before too long!